Tassos Marinos Developer of Joomla Extensions

ACF Address Autocomplete - Add an Address Field in Joomla

Updated 16 Apr, 2024

The "Address Field" custom field is a powerful tool that allows you to easily retrieve detailed address information for any location on a map. With the "Address Field", you can simply select a location on the map or type in an address or coordinates, and the field will automatically retrieve, store and display the full address details. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually looking up addresses - the "Address Field" has you covered.

Select an address via the ACF Address Field

How to add an Address Custom Field to Joomla! Articles

The Address Field allows you to select a location from a map, type an address or coordinates that will autocomplete and provide suggestions or even type the address details manually. Once you have selected an address, then the address details will automatically pre-populate.

acf address field settings

Let's see each field settings.

Show Map Set whether and where to show the map.

Back-end: Show the map only when editing the field in an article, contact, etc...
Front-end: Show the map only when viewing the field on the front-end of your site such as in an article, contact, etc...
Back-end & Front-end: Show the map both when editing the custom field in an article, contact, etc... as well as when viewing the field on the front-end of your site such as when viewing an article.
Zoom Set the map zoom.
Marker Image Replace the default marker image by uploading an image of your choice.
Address Details Set which address details to show.

Available address details:
  • Address
  • Latitude
  • Longitude
  • Country
  • Country Code
  • City
  • Postal Code
  • County
  • State
  • Municipality
  • Town
  • Road
Address Autocomplete Set whether to enable address autocomplete and automatically suggest places as you type an address.
Map Width Set the map width.
Map Height Set the map height.
Layout Select which layout to use, default or custom.
Custom Layout Set the Custom Layout for the address details.

Allowed Smart Tags:
{address.address} - {address.address.label}
{address.latitude} - {address.latitude.label}
{address.longitude} - {address.longitude.label}
{address.country} - {address.country.label}
{address.country_code} - {address.country_code.label}
{address.city} - {address.city.label}
{address.county} - {address.county.label}
{address.postal_code} - {address.postal_code.label}
{address.state} - {address.state.label}
{address.municipality} - {address.municipality.label}
{address.town} - {address.town.label}
{address.road} - {address.road.label}.
Map Location Set whether to display the map above or below the address details.


Once you are in your Article's Edit screen, choose the "Fields" Tab to see the Address custom field as you can see in the screenshot below.

acf address field usage

You can now select a location on the map or type in an address/coordinates and suggested locations will be provided for you so you can selected your desired location. All address details values are customizable as you see fit.

Frontend Display

Take a look at the screenshot below to see how it could be displayed in your frontend.

Default Layout

acf address field frontend

Custom Layout

Example custom layout:

The package will be delivered in {address.address} in {address.city}, {address.country}, {address.postal_code}


acf address field custom layout frontend

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I override the layout?

To override the "ACF - Address Autocomplete" custom field, read here: How to override the "ACF - Address Autocomplete" custom field.

Can I use ACF - Address Autocomplete with YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content?

The "ACF - Address Autocomplete" custom field is now compatible with YooTheme Pro Dynamic Content and you can use it to populate YooTheme elements such as the Map element.