Tassos Marinos Developer of Joomla Extensions

Convert Forms 2.4.1

Released on: Friday, 27 September 2019 10:54
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes

Implements integration for the Drip Ecommerce CRM. Format dates using the DATE_FORMAT_LC5 (Y-m-d H:i) format. Fix bug with the Country Field which doesn't get populated with the correct submitted value in the Submission Edit page. Fix Uncaught ReferenceError: Joomla is not defined error caused when core.js is missing from the page. Fix Cannot read property 'focus' of null errorn caused when a required field is left blank. Fix issue with the AcyMailing 6 Email Confirmation incorrectly sent to existing users. We can now use {field.mydropdown.label} Smart Tag to pull the selected text from a dropdown and a radio button field. Adds partial support to asynchronous loading of the front-end script. Adds missing Module Caching options to Convert Forms Module.

Convert Forms 2.4.1 Free

Compatibility: Joomla 3.[89]
File size: 1.13 Mb
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