Tassos Marinos Developer of Joomla Extensions

Convert Forms 2.6.0

Released on: Monday, 25 May 2020 03:00
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes

New: Implements the PDF Form Submission addon. Adds Prefix and Suffix options to Field Calculations. Redesigns and improves the UI of the form builder. Fix: PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant CAL_GREGORIAN - assumed 'CAL_GREGORIAN. Fix: Add missing language strings in the Submissions view in the backend. Fix: PHP Warning: array_change_key_case() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given. (Affects backend only). Fix: JS error: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '_' of undefined. (Affects Joomla 3.9.x versions). Fix: Prevent CSS conflicts in the Month and Year inputs in the Date Time Field caused by 3rd party templates. Fix: Mandatory Checkboxes field requires user to check all checkboxes when script is loaded asynchronously. Fix: Zapier and iContact doc links doesn't work in the Addons view in the backend. Fix: The Email and URL fields are not validated if they are optional. Fix: Addon options popup shows up empty when site is behind a proxy with HTTPS redirection rules. Change: Hide trashed items in the submissions view in the backend by default. Improve accessibility by adding role="alert" to error message div. Stop re-ordering the System Plugin during installation. Updates languages

Convert Forms 2.6.0 Free

Compatibility: Joomla 3.[89]
File size: 1.29 Mb
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