Tassos Marinos Developer of Joomla Extensions

Google Structured Data


Maturity: Stable
Released on: Tuesday, 09 July 2024 14:15
Added missing postal address options to Local Business Critic Review schema
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Thursday, 06 June 2024 10:12
Fixed Course start/end dates to appear with site's timezone. Fixed J-BusinessDirectory PHP error preventing structured data generation.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Thursday, 02 May 2024 13:46
Fix: Invalid search URL in the Sitelinks Searchbox structured data. Fix: Cannot create/duplicate a GSD Item that has a title longer than 100 characters. [JReviews] Fixes a php error thrown on specific category pages.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Monday, 08 April 2024 10:30
Joomla 5 Native Support. Implements the RSEvents!Pro addon.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Wednesday, 06 March 2024 20:19
[Course Schema] courseWorkLoad property now accepts ISO8601 formatted value too. [JReviews] PHP error would occur when a JReviews GSD item is enabled but JReviews component is not installed. Fix PHP 8 deprecation warnings.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Monday, 08 January 2024 10:21
[Virtuemart] Adds support for the GTIN property. [JReviews] The Related Listing field now returns the listing title. [Video] Ensures Date Published is displayed with site's timezone. Joomla Content Integration: ACF File Upload/Gallery custom fields don't return a valid image url. Fix: Item duplication is not working in Joomla 5. Fix: PHP error "Deprecated: mb_convert_encoding(): Handling HTML entities via mbstring is deprecated".
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Tuesday, 05 December 2023 12:25
Implements the JReviews addon. New: Adds the Course Workload and Offer Category properties in the Course Schema. [Course] Schema max description now allows up to 500 characters.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Monday, 06 November 2023 13:16
Fix: PHP warning "Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$css_selector_task" when CSS Selector is used. Fix: PHP error "md5(): Argument #1 ($string) must be of type string, stdClass given" when CSS Selector is used. Fix: PHP 8 warnings. Fix: Cannot easily toggle a GSD Item in the Items page. Fix: [JoomShopping 5.0+] Product List is empty when the default language is not "en-GB". Updates translations.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Tuesday, 03 October 2023 12:31
Implements the HowTo schema type. Implements the DPCalendar addon. The image property in SP Page Builder integration will now return the first image found in any text or image addon. [Hikashop] If a product variant name is empty, use the parent product name instead. Fix: J-BusinessDirectory "Joomla\CMS\Form\Form::getFieldsets `xml` is not an instance of SimpleXMLElement.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Wednesday, 09 August 2023 18:50
Adds the CSS Selector mapping option. Map schema properties to DOM elements! Added option to select a more explicit Article Schema between: Article, BlogPosting, NewsArticle. New: Adds the gtin property in Product Schema. Adds the Wait Page to Render (Experimental) configuration option. Fix: Unescaped characters may break structured data produced with Custom Code option. Fix: SobiPro wouldn't display structured data in latest versions. Fix: JBusinessDirectory would produce a php error certain custom fields under certain circumstances. Fix: JEvents would throw a PHP error due to non-english dates. Removes the 110 characters limit for the Article's Headline property per Google's guidelines
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Tuesday, 06 June 2023 18:04
Added the Nationality option to Person schema. Fixed PHP warning appearing when the Person Salary option is disabled.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Wednesday, 03 May 2023 12:33
New: Implements the Book Content Type. New: Implements the Person Content Type. Makes all mapping options a searchable dropdown. Fix: PHP error thrown in JEvents pages under certain circumstances. Fix: The SobiPro integration wouldn't display correct custom fields values. Updates translations.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Monday, 03 April 2023 19:00
New: Implements the JEvents addon. New: Implements the iCagenda addon. New: The Critic Review Schema now supports the "CreativeWorkSeries" type.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Tuesday, 28 February 2023 13:20
Fix: The "offers" Product schema property should be excluded when the Price option is disabled. Fix: The "priceValidUntil" Product schema property does not respect the Disabled status of the option. The Business Type option in the Local Business schema can now accept multiple values. The Product Schema now includes the google_product_category property when available.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Tuesday, 31 January 2023 19:29
Fix: [Joomla 4] Ensure Media Custom Field returns correct Image URL. Fix: [Joomla 4] Cannot access protected property Joomla\CMS\Menu\MenuItem::$params when Zoo integration is used. Fix: Recipe Ingredients & Instructions would not appear correctly if value contained HTML. Fix: Date should be empty instead of 0000-00-00 00:00:00 as it's not in ISO 8601 format, required by Schema. Updates translations: es-ES, et-EE, pt-BR
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Friday, 04 November 2022 12:46
Fix: Not-allowed HTML tags may not be stripped out. Fix: The StartDate and EndDate properties in the Course schema are not taken into account. Fix: Make sure Fact Check's Title property does not exceed 75 characters. Fix: The Job Posting's Description property no longer supports h1, h2, h3, strong and em HTML tags. Fix: "Invalid object type for field 'brand' (optional)" warning in the Critic Review schema. Fix: Custom Social Profile URLs may contain new line or return characters. Removes the obsolete Description Limit option from the configuration page.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Monday, 10 October 2022 13:49
The Update notice should always appear unless closed. Fix: PHP 8.1 warnings affecting Joomla 4. Fix: "Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$imageGeneric" error in K2 integration. Fix: [Joomla 4] Ensure all properties related to image URLs do not contain metadata. Fix: [Joomla 4] Ensure Media Custom Field returns correct Image URL.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Wednesday, 31 August 2022 11:21
Update Site changed. Added useful notices for rating/missing download key as well as when the subscription expires/expired. Fix the Location Address property is not taken into account in the Event structured data. Fix: Author name is missing in some reviews in Hikashop Improves detection of reviews in Hikashop
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Monday, 25 July 2022 19:33
The Schema Cleaner now supports removing structured data from the whole page (Including head). Fix: "Class Joomla\CMS\Filesystem\Folder not found" error in Joomla 3.8. Fix: PHP 8.1 - Deprecated: explode(): Passing null to parameter #2. The Remove Faulty Structured Data section is renamed to Schema Cleaner. The minimum required PHP version is now 7.0.0.
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Maturity: Stable
Released on: Friday, 27 May 2022 11:26
Fix: Video Schema Image URL does not appear correctly. Fix: Missing appview column from gsd table resulting in Schema not appearing correctly.
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