Tassos Marinos Developer of Joomla Extensions

Convert Forms 4.0.2

Released on: Monday, 03 April 2023 18:57
Maturity: Stable

Release Notes

Adds Input Mask predefined options (IP, Email, URL, Currency, Percentage and more). Adds support for reCAPTCHA 3 Implements a new all-in-one reCAPTCHA field that incorporates the v2 Checkbox, v2 Invisible, and v3 versions. Fix: File Upload field may not load its translations. Fix: Installation fails on MySQL < 5.6 with an error: Invalid default value for 'created'. Fix: Some fields appear untranslated in the All fields tab. Fix: PHP error "Too few arguments to function PlgConvertFormsToolsTasks::onContentAfterSave()" appears after the form is saved. Fix: Caclulation Values misbehave when setting more than 3 options on checkboxes/radio buttons/dropdowns. Fix: [Joomla 3] UI/IX improvements in Conditional Fields. Fix: Submissions Date Range filter would change selected dates due to timezone. Fix: Input Mask wouldn't allow Greek characters to be typed. Fix: New lines are not preserved in the Email Tasks app. Fix: User Account App fails to send registration emails on Joomla 3. Fix: "Help" button wouldn't link to Convert Forms documentation page. Updates Inputmask script to v5.0.8 Updates translations

Convert Forms 4.0.2 Free

Compatibility: Joomla 3.8+, 4.x, 5.x
File size: 2.78 Mb
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