Tassos Marinos Developer of Joomla Extensions
Advanced Custom Fields
Start creating better content with custom fields

Product Roadmap

Our development cycle is fast. We frequently update Advanced Custom Fields with bug fixes and new features to make it an even more valuable resource for you


Pending tasks on the roadmap awaiting scheduling.
  1. Date Field
  2. Rating Field
  3. Phone Field with Country Code Selector
  4. Gallery Field: Support Videos
  5. Gallery Field: Deeplinking
  6. File Upload Field: Duplicate Images on Copy
  7. Map Field: Allow custom styles

In Progress

Tasks under development and soon to be shipped.
  1. Joomla 5 Native Version
Extend your Joomla site with custom fields
Take content creation to the next level and make your Joomla site stand out.
Get Started 5-star rating on the Joomla Extensions Directory