Tassos Marinos Developer of Joomla Extensions
It's time for a new generation of Joomla popups

What’s new

Below you can find the latest releases of EngageBox
Fixed “Close on ESC” triggering when disabled. Fixed repeater field conditions in Joomla 5.1. Updated “Geolocation” notice to show only with a GeoIP MaxMind key and Geolocation conditions in use. Improved “Trap Focus” to activate immediately when the popup opens. Removed unnecessary polyfill.io scripts.
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Enhanced Accessibility: Trap Focus, Auto-Focus, Return Focus and Close by ESC Key. Fixed PHP 8.2+ deprecation warnings thrown on install and when popup is shown. Fixed issue with inheriting height value on tablet and mobile devices. Improved code editing in the Custom JS/CSS, PHP Scripts, PHP Condition and Run Javascript Action options with Codemirror. Updated Page Slide mode to no longer auto-scroll to the top of the page.
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Adds the --HtmlSpecialChars Smart Tag modifier. Fix: Conditional Content Shortcode may incorrectly parse script tags. Fix PHP 8.3 deprecation warnings.
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Joomla 5 Native Support. Implements the Conditional Content Shortcode. Implements Smart Tags modifiers: prepareContent, shortNumber Custom Code option renamed to Custom JavaScript and now accepts only scripts. Fix: Homepage Condition does not work. Fix: The Menu Condition may fail if the "Also on child items" option is enabled.
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Fix: Call to undefined method EngageBox\Box::replaceSmartTags.
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Fix: Smart Tags replacement broke from previous version.
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Fix: PHP Error "Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated in Box.php" Fix: Spanish translation would break the popup editor.
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Fix: On-click popup may not trigger due to an invalid CSS Selector. Fix: Floating Button does not trigger the popup immediately. Fix: Box duplication is not working in Joomla 5. Fix: PHP Error "Detection\MobileDetect::__construct(): Argument #2 ($config) must be of type array, null given"
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Fix: PHP 8 warnings. Fix: Very tall popup with margin bottom exceeds the parent boundaries. Fix: Prevent Page Scrolling option causes the page to scroll to the top when the popup appears. Fix: Spanish translation would break the popup editor.
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Added Conditions for VirtueMart & HikaShop: Purchased Product, Last Purchased Date, Total Spend. Added Conditions for VirtueMart & HikaShop: Current Product Price, Current Product Stock, Category. Implements the Convert Forms - Form Condition. Fix: Convert Forms - Campaign wouldn't show the popup as expected. Fix: ARIA dialog should have an accessible name. Fix: Templates Library items wouldn't appear correctly on Safari under certain circumstances.
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Fix: Table #__rstbox has the wrong type or attributes for column 'position' with varchar(30). Fix: PHP error that'd appear when editing a popup caused by the media field not accepting null value in some certain circumstances. Fix: Error Code: syntax error, unexpected '=>' (T_DOUBLE_ARROW), expecting ',' or ')'.
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All Design settings can now be configured on a per-device (desktop, tablet, mobile) basis. Moved the Popup Position setting to the Design tab. Fix: The geolocation library may conflict with other extensions resulting in a fatal error.
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Adds 13 Scroll To Top popup templates.
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Fix: On Click popups may not get triggered under come circumstances. Fix: Deprecated: md5(): Passing null to parameter #1 ($string) of type string is deprecated.
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Introduces the EngageBox Free version. Implements the Homepage Condition. Popup may be delayed to show up if triggered by a floating button. The On Click trigger does not work with dynamicaly injected (AJAX) elements. Removes the deprecated legacy script. Removes the "Enable on Output Override" obsolete configuration option. Removes the "Show Color" obsolete configuration option.
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Adds 10 External Link Popup Templates popup templates. Fix: Popups may cause a "502 Bad Gateway" error on PHP 8.1.10+. Updates translations
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Imlements the Floating Button trigger. Adds 10 Terms & Conditions popup templates. Fix: Day of Week and Month conditions would not respect the selected timezone. Fix: On Joomla 3, PHP Error "Cannot declare class ContentModelArticle" when using the {article.KEY} Smart Tag in specific scenarios. Fix: Double "Copy of" would appear when duplicating a popup. Updates translations: it-IT
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Implements the New/Returning Visitor Condition. Implements the {article} shortcode. - Load a Joomla article via a shortcode. Adds ability to access the trigger element on External Link Click trigger. Fix: Display Conditions fail to load sites stored in a subfolder. To prevent confusion, the extension now displays warnings instead of errors in the browser console only when Debug is on. Updates the Greek translation (el-GR)
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Fix: Popup Library not allowing to Insert templates under certain circumstances. Fix: {ebExpr} shortcodes stopped working. Fix: Toolbar buttons in the popups list may not be clickable.
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Redesigned Popup Library and introduced 70+ brand new popup templates. Added 13 Sales popup templates. Added 15 Summer Sales popup templates. Added 12 Age Verification popup templates. Added 15 Reduce Card Abandonment popup templates. Added 15 Cookie Law popup templates. Added 5 AdBlock popup templates. Added 5 display conditions for Virtuemart and HikaShop (Cart Contains Products, Cart Contains X Products, Cart Value, Product, Category). Added an option for blurring the background overlay. Implements the EngageBox Countdown Timer shortcode. Fix: Do not trigger Content Plugins if the page has no popups on the page. Fix: PHP "syntax error" thrown due to reserved word used when upgrading from 5.0.1 to a newer version. Fix: On Joomla 4, a box may not be duplicated if its title exceeds 50 characters. Fix: Display Conditions would not load under certain circumstances. Video and audio embeds are now automatically paused after closing the popup. Improves OnClick Trigger error handling. The New Version Update notice will always appear now in the backend unless closed. Added the Greek translation (el-GR)
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Boost conversion rate and drive more sales with smart popups
EngageBox generates more subscribers, leads and sales from the traffic you already have.
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