Tassos Marinos Developer of Joomla Extensions

Automate Form Submissions Export using a Webhook URL

Published in Convert Forms
Updated 05 Oct, 2022

Are you looking for a way to automate the exporting of your form submissions? With Convert Forms you can export form submissions by visiting a secret and password-protected webhook URL and without the need for logging in first.

Enable the Auto Export Submissions plugin

First, make sure you're using Convert Forms 3.2.10+ Pro as this is a Pro-only feature. Next, log into your backend, go to System -> Manage -> Plugins, search for "Convert Forms - Auto Export Submissions" and click to enable the plugin.

Joomla Form Submissions Exporter

Using the Webhook URL

To export form submissions you need to visit the following URL:


URL Parameters

Below you can find a list with the supported parameters you can use in the webhook URL to further customization the export of your submissions.

secret (required) The Secret Key as set in the Security tab on the Convert Forms configuration page.
form_id (required) The ID of the form to export form submissions
filter_period Select submissions created on a certain period or date range. Accepts: today, yesterday, this_week, this_month, this_year, last_week, last_month, last_year, daterange.

Note: If no filter period is given, all submissions will be exported.
filter_created_from Select submissions created on or after a specific date. The expected date format is Y-m-d.

Note: To use this option you will also need to pass filter_period=daterange.
filter_created_to Select submissions created on or before a specific date. The expected date format is Y-m-d.

Note: To use this option you will also need to pass filter_period=daterange.
filter_search Select submissions that contain the given search term.
export_type Set whether to export submissions to a CSV or JSON file. Accepts: json, csv. Defaults to csv
export_append If set to true and the export file already contains data, the submissions will be appended. Defaults to false.
export_path The real path where to store the export file on your server. Defaults to Joomla's temp directory which is usually set to the /tmp/ folder in your site's root directory.


Select form #2 submissions that were received this year and export them to a CSV file.


Select form #3 submissions that were received today and export them to a JSON file.


Select form #1 submissions based on a custom date range and export them to a CSV file.


Select form submissions that contain the keyword "apple" and received this week.
