User Access Level Condition

The User Access Level Condition is quite useful for when you need to assign a box to be displayed only on users that have a specific access level such as guests, registered users or even super users.

User Access Level Display Condition


In the table below you can see which options are available to setup the User Access Level Condition.

Name Description
Match Set whether to match or not the selected user access levels.
User Access Level

With this option you can select the one or multiple user access levels.

Use Case

Obviously the most common use case for the User Access Level Condition is when you want to show your box only to those who belong to a certain Access Level, such as Registered Users, meaning the logged in users.

Useful Notes

It's equally important to remember that users can belong to more than one user groups. This means that while you're using this Condition and testing things out, don't be alarmed if you see an Administrator being displayed your box while you have selected the Manager role for example. The user could also be assigned in the Manager User Group.

Last updated on Nov 26th 2024 12:11